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Abundant Living Vol. XVIII, Issue 35

“Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.”

  • Ecclesiastes 11:1 

A young rich man once questioned Jesus about what he must do to gain eternal life.  Jesus responded by telling him he lacked one thing, that he must sell all his possessions and give the proceeds to the poor.  But scriptures tell us, “When the man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.” 

It was not until I read Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad that I began to understand the full meaning of Jesus’ encounter with the rich young man.  The story goes something like this:  Kiyosaki had two father figures in his life, his “rich dad” who was his best friend’s father, and his “poor dad” who was his real father – although he was not actually poor.  In the book he explains the contrast between his two fathers in their attitude toward money, the rich dad being a successful entrepreneur while the poor dad worked for a salary, although a quite comfortable wage.  But the difference was that the rich dad viewed money – all things in life actually – as being abundantly available whether or not he possessed it at any given point in time.  His poor dad, on the other hand, viewed money as scarce, even though he earned a substantial salary.  “Rich Dad” had faith that given the abundance of creation he had the ability to produce wealth through hard work and his God-given ingenuity.  “Poor Dad”, however, was dependent on others to pay his wages.  And because of his faith “Rich Dad” was able to share generously with others, while “Poor Dad” gave only sparingly for fear of having nothing left from his limited resources.

“Rich Dad” was not rich because he always had money, nor was “Poor Dad” poor because he was broke.  Instead, “Rich Dad” was rich because he had faith, while “Poor Dad” was poor because – like the rich young man – he lacked faith.  “Rich Dad” lived out the proverb from Ecclesiastes: “Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.”   And that is what Jesus had hoped for the rich young man he had encountered.  We are not called to hold back and play it safe, but to invest in life through faith; for that is the path to true riches.

Abundant Living Vol. XVIII, Issue 34

“Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”

  • Ecclesiastes 12:13 

True or false:  the one who dies with the most toys wins.  Or how about the one who has the most money wins?  What about the one who is the most brilliant and has the most advanced degrees, or the one who has reached the highest level in his or her organization, the one who has traveled the most, has the most beautiful wife or debonair husband, the best athlete, the most talented artist or musician, has won the most awards, become the most famous or the most powerful?  In the end who wins?

These are not a trick questions, and we probably all know the correct answer to be none of the above, yet in our consumeristic culture most of us struggle to live that way.  But who does win in the end?  Before we answer that let’s explore a little further.

A man who wrestled mightily with this question was none other than King Solomon, the wisest and richest man who ever lived, and though he had everything and tried almost everything both good and bad, toward the end of his life he came to the conclusion that nothing – I mean nothing – on this earth can fully satisfy a human’s desire for complete fulfillment.  “Meaningless! . . . Utterly meaningless!  Everything is meaningless . . . a chasing after the wind,” he declared in his essay we know as the Book of Ecclesiastes.

Alcoholics, so they say, are not people who drink too much; rather people who can never drink enough; meaning their thirst for alcohol – their addiction – can never be satisfied.  So it is with every earthly desire, as Solomon declares, no matter how much or how little we have it is never enough.  Our thirst – our desire for fulfillment – is never satisfied no matter how much we gain, attain, or accomplish.

So, in the end who wins?  It is not the one with the most stuff, the best things or the most accomplishments.  Rather, it is the one with the most gratitude.  The one who wins is the one who is thankful for whatever he or she has – and especially thankful to God for providing it.  “Fear God and keep his commandments,” Solomon concluded at the end of his essay, “for this is the whole duty of man.” It is grateful people are able to experience a sense of fulfillment in this life, and ultimately the ones who win in the end.

Abundant Living Vol. XVIII, Issue 33

“. . . seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Matthew 6:33 

One of the great challenges we faced working on a bond trading desk in the Wall Street world, as I did for thirty years, was the urgency of everything.  Phones rang non-stop during trading hours and every one of those calls was something urgent.  While in one sense the high level of activity was energizing and exciting (one never lacked for something to do).  On the other hand – and this was the challenging part – it was easy to get caught up in the frenzy – the urgency – and lose sight of the greater purpose, the mission and goals of the business.

Among his countless nuggets of wisdom the late management guru of the twentieth century, the great Peter Drucker, emphasized the importance of making the “important” rather than the “urgent” our priority in life.  But like most of us he struggled with it too.  “If I look back,” he once lamented, “my greatest frustrations are probably, in retrospect, this is hindsight, that I have, far too often, made the urgent rather than the important my priority and that as a result, some of the books I should have written I haven’t written.  And I have written books that were urgent, or I have taught the things that they needed at the moment rather than the things that were needed five years since.  I have been willing to run shorter rather than long-term.”

It’s a tough call because urgent matters do matter, but they should never be allowed to cause us to lose sight of the greater purpose and the longer-term mission.  That is why clear concise mission and vision statements are so critical for organizations and that that mission and vision be instilled in the organization’s culture.  Thus, the most successful organizations over the long haul are those who do.

Jesus himself reminded us that we should first seek God’s kingdom – the “important” – then deal with the other matters of life – the “urgent”.  By doing so we guard ourselves from being caught up in the frenzy of the urgent; or as Drucker put it, we must make the “important” rather than the “urgent” our priority in life.

Abundant Living Vol. XVIII, Issue 32

“My son, do not forget my teaching . . .”   –  Proverbs 3:1 

“A father, being on the point of death, wished to be sure that his sons would give the same attention to his farm as he himself had given it.  He called them to his bedside and said, ‘My sons, there is a great treasure hid in one of my vineyards.’  The sons, after his death, took their spades and mattocks and carefully dug over every portion of their land.  They found no treasure, but the vines repaid their labor by an extraordinary and superabundant crop.”  – from Aesop’s fables 

Knowledge is a good thing.  But there is a vast difference between “knowledge” (having the facts) and “wisdom” (applying those facts to life).  In other words, we may amass knowledge, but without wisdom, our knowledge is useless.  We must learn to “live out” what we know.  The father in the fable understood the facts of farming, in particular that vigorous tilling of the soil in the vineyards would produce an abundant harvest, but it was only through his wisdom that he was able to convey this knowledge to his sons in such a way that they in turn would “live it out” and perpetuate his legacy.

Wise refers to skill in living,” explains Eugene Peterson in his book Earth and Altar.  “It does not mean, primarily, the person who knows the right answers to things but one who has developed the right responses (relationships) to persons, to God.  The wise understand how the world works; know about patience and love, listening and grace, adoration and beauty; know that other people are awesome creatures to be respected and befriended . . . know that God is an ever present center, a never-diminishing reality, an all encompassing love . . .”

We are often encouraged to be life-long learners, and rightly so.  But more importantly we should strive to become life-long seekers of wisdom – in how to “live out” the knowledge we attain with greater understanding and deeper meaning.

“My sons, there is a great treasure hid in one of my vineyards.”  (Aesop’s fables) “My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life for many years and bring you prosperity,” says the Proverb.  Wisdom is that great treasure, but to gain it we must seek it out, and be alert when it appears.

Abundant Living Vol. XVIII, Issue 31

“. . . a tree is recognized by its fruit.”  – Matthew 12:33 

The lovely home of my wife’s maternal grandparents, Cecil and Virginia Dye, was surrounded on every side by enormous shade trees, notably all pecan trees.  The tallest and most stately among them, so her grandfather claimed, had sprouted from a single pecan he had once dropped into a hole he had poked in the ground with a screwdriver many years ago, while making a bet with a neighbor whether it would grow or not.  (He won the bet!)  Each fall almost without fail, those pecan trees would produce a bountiful crop of nuts which they would gather, shell, and package as Christmas gifts for loved ones among whom we were recipients.  It was a labor of love on their part, and so typical of their generous hearts that were as big as the trees themselves.

Once I recall wandering about in the yard beneath those trees with Cecil picking up pecans here and there when he made a remark I have never forgotten.  “I have always believed,” he said, “that if you are going to plant trees in your yard, they should be trees that produce something.”  Of course he would think that way, I recall thinking, since he was born and raised on a farm where every square inch of soil was for the purpose of producing something.  So, I understood and appreciated the logic behind his remark.

With that conversation filed away in my memory, years passed.  Eventually, I had the opportunity to retire from my corporate career and pursue a new profession.  It had been suggested that in preparing for that new season of life I should write a personal mission statement to guide my life and work going forward, which turned out to be much more difficult than I had ever imagined; that is, until I happened upon this verse from John 15:16 where Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.”  There it was, my mission statement, “bear fruit – fruit that will last.”  All at once that conversation about “planting trees that produce something” sprang from my memory, and I realized that wise philosopher Cecil Dye in his gentle way was teaching me much more about life than he was about trees.

Hasn’t it been God’s plan from the very beginning when He created mankind in his own image?  His instructions were clear, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:28).  For, “a tree is recognized by its fruit.”  As are we.