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Abundant Living Vol. XIX, Issue 19

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”  – Romans 12:21 

Sadly and tragically, mass shootings in our country these days seem almost as commonplace as automobile accidents.  That’s an exaggeration, of course, but they certainly have become epidemic, have they not?  For me, though, this most recent shooting was different – much different!  It occurred in my own backyard, less than ten minutes from our home.  That outlet mall is a place we frequently shop, as do our children and grandchildren, friends and neighbors.  For us, this shooting was not just another tragic news story, it took place in my own community, among my fellow citizens.  It was personal!  And that in and of itself places part of the blame on me.

How so, you may wonder?  There is a legendary story about Fiorello La Guardia who was mayor of New York City during the Great Depression.  One night the mayor showed up at a night court in one of the poorest wards in the city, dismissed the judge, and took over the bench.  A tattered old woman was brought before him, charged with steeling a loaf of bread.  She told the mayor that her daughter’s husband had left, her daughter was ill, and her two grandchildren were starving.  The shopkeeper, however, refused to drop the charges, insisting she should be punished.  Sighing, La Guardia turned to the woman and said, “According to the law I’ve got to punish you.  Ten dollars or ten days in jail.”  But as he was pronouncing the sentence, the mayor dug into his own pocket for ten dollars to pay the woman’s fine, then commenced to fine every person in that courtroom for “living in a town where a person has to steal bread to feed her grandchildren.”

Like you, the news of this mass shooting filled me immediately with rage that someone, anyone, would senselessly murder innocent people.  I grieve for the victims – and beyond the fatalities, the wounded, and their families, everyone at that mall was a victim in some way.  This tragic event makes me fear for my family’s safety, and my own.  Mostly, I am sad that we live in a culture where loneliness, abuse, addiction, and lack of love exists, like the poor woman who lived in a city where she had to steal bread to feed her grandchildren.  I wonder, could I have unknowingly crossed paths with that shooter once upon a time and failed to show kindness?  Could it have made a difference if I had?  Could it have saved lives?  The Apostle Paul’s words could not be more relevant for these times we live in: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” 

Abundant Living Vol. XIX, Issue 18

“Let us not give up meeting together . . . but let us encourage one another.”

  • Hebrews 10:25 

My dentist’s office called the other day reminding me of my upcoming six-month cleaning and checkup appointment next week.  Shortly after a warning light came on in my car indicating it is time for an oil-change and routine maintenance.  Then I noticed on my calendar that I am due to visit the dermatologist soon for a routine checkup on my bald head.  Similarly, the heating and air company we use recently left two messages that it is time for spring maintenance on our AC units before the hot summer months arrive.

There once was a time when people only went to the dentist when they had a toothache, or to the doctor when they were sick or hurt.  Cars went to the shop when they broke down, and the repairman was called when the AC unit quit working.  Routine maintenance – or wellness checkups, the term the medical profession prefers to use – is relatively new, so it seems, over the past fifty years or so.

No doubt the promotions among various professions and product vendors for regular checkups and routine maintenance have added substantial revenue streams to their bottom lines, but not without, in all honesty, tremendous benefit to the consuming public.  Consider, for instance, how life expectancy has increased, and not simply living longer but healthier as well.  Seventy is now the new fifty as they say.  And cars?  There was a time when after three to five years of normal driving a car began to wear out.  Now it is not unusual for an automobile, properly maintained, to remain reliable for years.

If regular routine checkups are healthy for automobiles and AC units, as well as dental and general health, how might the same principle apply to our spiritual and emotional wellbeing?  Here is my experience.  Over the past twenty-five years I have been meeting every Tuesday morning with a small group of men for a spiritual wellness checkup during which there are three simple questions for which we hold each other accountable: (1) How is your relationship with God?  (2) What are you reading or studying to support that?  (3) How are you reaching out to others in a Godly way?  The result has been, for each of us, that our spiritual and emotional health has done nothing but increase.  “Let us [then] not give up meeting together . . . but let us [continue to] encourage one another.”

Abundant Living Vol. XIX, Issue 17

“. . . it had its foundation on the rock.”  – Matthew 7:25 

Jesus, in one of his great parables, tells about “a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”  He goes on to contrast that with “a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

Spring is storm season across much of our country, many of them devastating.  This spring in particular we have seen violent tornados, wind, and hail wipe out entire communities.  Sadly, in many cases there is little that can be done to avoid massive destruction from such violent storms.  But for structures that did manage to withstand the storms, it is a good bet they were built on a solid foundation; like trees with deep root systems; or ships tethered to strong anchors.  More so are the people, the victims of the storms, many of whom lost everything.  Their very survival and recovery, both physically and emotionally, will depend on the strength of their foundation, the depth of their roots, and the anchor to which they are tethered.

A solid foundation is not only critical in the case of surviving a storm, but equally so in attaining sustainable success.  “If anyone wants to be around for the long haul and experience sustainable success,” according to Forbes Magazine, “then it is vital to understand the things that matter most.”  I recall going through what I like to call my ambition season of life.  It was a time when my career was on the rise, and I had “fire in my belly” to succeed.  But every so often my wife would reel me in a bit, reminding me of the things that matter most – marriage, family, our core values.  She was the solid foundation and the anchor in our family back then – and still is – otherwise, my chasing after success simply for the sake of satisfying my ambition risked being like the foolish man who built his house on sand.

But it goes deeper than that.  My wife’s solid foundation is not a product of her own creation, but a foundation built upon a rock; more specifically, built upon The Rock, steadfast and unmovable.  It is my Rock too.  Who is yours?

Abundant Living Vol. XIX, Issue 16

“. . . let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” – Hebrews 12:1 

I have never personally had the pleasure of meeting Boots O’Neal, but I have seen him a few times, especially when I was a youngster growing up out in Northwest Texas.  Back then he was dating a girl, who he eventually married, whose family at the time lived around the corner from us.  That’s about as close as I ever got to meeting him.  Almost ninety-years-old now, Boots is one of the most renowned and respected, and certainly one of the oldest active cowboys in Texas – perhaps anywhere.  Boots still resides in the bunkhouse of the famed 6666 ranch in Guthrie, Texas where every morning he gets up, pulls on his boots, and saddles his horse for a long day’s work “punching” cattle, after which he retreats to the bunkhouse, and as he is quoted as saying in an article published last year in Texas Monthly magazine, “I’ll go to sleep lookin’ forward to doing it again tomorrow.”  (ref.

“If people see their best years behind them, they’re probably not going to finish very well, because you can’t finish well when you’re going backwards,” the late Bob Buford wrote in his book Finishing Well: What People Who REALLY Live Do Differently!   Well, one of the things Boots O’Neal has done differently is that he has refused – quite literally – to hang up his spurs, besides the fact that he loves what he does and finds purpose in it.  And that is the formula for “finishing well” for which Boots O’Neal is a role model.

The aging process seems to be teaching me the same lesson, that if you want to finish well, every morning you better get up, suit up, and be armed with a purpose.  Otherwise, if you quit, you’re done!  Few spend seventy-five years in the same physically demanding profession as Boots O’Neal who has been cowboying since he was fifteen.  In fact, many of us go through three or four careers during our lifetimes.  Benjamin Franklin, it is said, spent his first forty-two years becoming successful, and his last forty-two years giving back – always with a purpose.

And we all have a purpose, a race that has been marked out for us, but as Rick Warren pointed out in his best-selling book from several years back, The Purpose Driven Life, that purpose is never about ourselves.  So, “let us run with perseverance the race that is marked out for us,” like people who REALLY live do, who also seem to finish well.

Abundant Living Vol. XIX, Issue 15

“. . . unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”  – John 12:24 

An artist friend once explained to me that as a rule of thumb when an artist dies his or her works almost instantly double in value.  As a businessman that makes perfect sense to me; for once the creator no longer exists his or her works become finite, thus making them increasingly more valuable.

I wonder, though, if there is not something deeper than the mere supply-demand dynamics of the marketplace.  Could it be that artists are never fully appreciated for their good works, and the perspectives they reflect on the world and on life, until after they are gone?  Perhaps that’s true for all of us, not just artists.  Consider, for example, Lincoln who was merely another president – and a controversial one at that – until after his death.  Then and only then did history consider him as having been our country’s greatest president, and a role model for his successors.

Jesus was trying to teach this to his followers in preparation for his own death.  “I tell you the truth,” he explained, “unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed.  But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”  Consider the fact that during his lifetime Jesus traveled no more than a few hundred miles mostly within the region of Galilee.  When compared to today’s mass media capabilities, he really didn’t encounter all that many people, and his most faithful followers were but a small ragtag group.  Yet the seed that fell to the ground from the cross where he died, which then sprouted in the hearts of that ragtag group of followers, transformed the world.

“In that lies the mystery of life,” adds gospel singer and songwriter Michael Card.  But first we must die, not physical death, rather die to our self-centered ways; then and only then will the purpose of our lives turn toward serving God and mankind.  And it is in that dying to self where lies the mystery of life that Michael Card is referring to; for that is where we discover not the loss of life but the abundance of it, a single seed producing many.  So, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, His seed that keeps producing, His resurrection that keeps resurrecting.  Alleluia, He is risen!