Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 20


“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  – Matthew 6:34 

If you are a comic strip reader like me, you may remember this one. . . It was Friday afternoon and Dagwood Bumstead was heading out the door for the weekend.  “Have a nice weekend, boss,” he bids Mr. Dithers.  “You’d better rest up this weekend, my boy,” Dithers responds with a smirk, “Monday morning can’t get here soon enough for me!!”  The next scene shows Dagwood staring glumly out the car window when one of his carpool mates asks, “Do you have any plans for the weekend?”  To which Dagwood replies, “I’ll probably just sit around and dread Monday.”


Can you see yourself in that story?  I do.  I wonder how many precious hours I have wasted in my lifetime sitting around dreading tomorrow?  That’s what is so great about comic strips, how they highlight our own absurdities.  We laugh at poor old Dagwood for how silly he looks, until we realize the joke is on us.  Dagwood is simply holding a mirror up in front of us so that we can see our own folly.  


“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  These wise words do not imply that we should not have “concern” about tomorrow, nor deny that trouble may lie ahead.  Rather it says do not “worry” about tomorrow, and there is a distinct difference between worry and concern.  Specifically worry paralyzes us, but concern calls us to action.  Besides, worry can have devastating impacts on us, including damage to our health, causing the object of worry to consume our thoughts, disrupting our productivity, negatively affecting the way we treat others, and perhaps worst of all inhibiting our ability to trust in God.  


Imagine if Dagwood would spend his weekend planning for Monday rather than worrying about it?  Worrying is nothing but time wasted.  But planning is time well spent.  Planning is about thinking ahead, setting goals, determining the steps and scheduling the time – then letting go and trusting God. . . So, thank you Dagwood Bumstead for highlighting our own folly, that we may see God’s wisdom more clearly.


Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 19

“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”

  • Proverbs 12:25 

When I was fourteen years old I had the opportunity to attend an intense five-week long sports summer camp, and since I would be entering high school that fall, it was great preparation for the new challenge of competing in high school sports. So, for those five weeks I gave it all I had. The last few days of camp were especially intense as we prepared for the final competitive events, even more so because parents would be arriving to watch. I couldn’t wait to show my own parents how much I had grown and improved. Except, at the last minute I received news that my dad had been injured in an accident, prohibiting my parents from traveling. Other arrangements had been made for my transportation back home at the end of camp. Words cannot describe how heartbroken and distraught I was.

In the final track meet I was competing in the 440-yard dash. Although I was not an especially fast runner, I was determined to win that race in honor of my parents, who were also brokenhearted for not being able to attend. So, when the starting gun cracked, I shot out of the blocks like a rocket, maintaining the lead for most of the race. Then, just at the finish line another runner overtook me by half a step. I had never felt such defeat and disappointment in my life. Afterwards, lying face down in the dirt sobbing, I felt two gentle hands on my shoulders lifting me back on my feet. It was one of my dad’s best friends, who then put his arms around me praising my efforts. I’ll never forget his words. “What a competitor you are!” he said. “You ran that race like you’re SOMEBODY!”

Given that we are all more or less quarantined these days with the Coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been struggling with what I can do to help those in need since we’re warned not to get too close to anyone. Then it occurred to me how my dad’s friend’s uplifting words had soothed my grieving heart all those years ago, more than any kind act I could ever imagine. Indeed, the memory of that gesture has helped me through many other discouraging times throughout my life. So, who knows what impact an encouraging word might have on those heartbroken or distraught in these difficult times? It may mean more than any other act of kindness we could do. As the ancient Proverb reminds us, “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 18

“Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.” Psalm 126:5 

It was one of the most iconic photographs of the twentieth century, and we have all seen it. Captured on camera by Alfred Eisenstaedt the photo portrays a U.S Navy sailor embracing and kissing a young woman. The place was a crowded Times Square in New York, and the date was August 14, 1945, “V-J Day”, the official end of World War II. Published the following week in Life Magazine (the equivalent of going “viral” in today’s world), that snapshot remains one of the iconic symbols of the victorious conclusion of one of history’s most devastating wars.

It would be presumptuous, at this point at least, to equate the current Coronavirus pandemic to World War II, and we certainly pray it is contained swiftly so as not to be as prolonged and tragic as the War turned out to be. But there are some similarities, most notably that in addition to the great heroes on the front line – the healthcare workers, first-responders and many others who are in harms way, like the brave soldiers in war – every citizen in the entire world is a participant. We are all in danger, many have suffered loss with sadly more to come, and we are all engaged in the war against this pandemic in one way are another, particularly in the call to sacrifice, just as all citizens were called to do during World War II.

Considering these similarities, a look-back at that 1945 photo may reveal a deeper message than merely the war’s end, a message we are all badly in need of. For, what it really symbolizes is hope, which may be why it became iconic as it has, symbolizing new beginnings, people living again and moving on with their lives, growing and prospering, raising families and enjoying the fruits of their labors.

We should be reminded that even when forests burn down they are able to grow again, that broken bones heal, and even grief is not a permanent condition, that tears can be seeds that will grow into a harvest of joy because God is able to bring good out of tragedy. We must remember that as we trudge through this mighty battle, that one day, “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.” In that lies our hope. May we pray continually for that day to arrive soon when we too are free to celebrate – maybe even kiss a stranger in the middle of a crowded Times Square.

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 17

“. . . seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 

One of the great challenges we faced working on a bond trading desk in the Wall Street world, as I did for thirty years, is the urgency of everything. Phones ring non-stop during trading hours and every one of those calls is something urgent. While in one sense the high level of activity is energizing and exciting (one never lacks for something to do). On the other hand – and this is the challenging part – it is easy to get caught up in the frenzy – the urgency – and lose sight of the greater purpose and the mission and goals of the business.

Among his countless nuggets of wisdom the late management guru of the twentieth century, the great Peter Drucker, emphasized the importance of making the “important” rather than the “urgent” our priority in life. But like most of us he struggled with it too. “If I look back,” he once lamented, “my greatest frustrations are probably, in retrospect, this is hindsight, that I have, far too often, made the urgent rather than the important my priority and that as a result, some of the books I should have written I haven’t written. And I have written books that were urgent, or I have taught the things that they needed at the moment rather than the things that were needed five years since. I have been willing to run shorter rather than long-term.”

It’s a tough call because urgent matters do matter, but they should never be allowed to cause us to lose sight of the greater purpose and the longer-term mission. That is why clear concise mission and vision statements are so critical for organizations and that that mission and vision be instilled in the organization’s culture. Thus, the most successful organizations over the long haul are those who do.

Jesus himself reminded us that we should first seek God’s kingdom – the “important” – then deal with the other matters of life – the “urgent”. By doing so we guard ourselves from being caught up in the frenzy of the urgent; or as Drucker put it, we must make the “important” rather than the “urgent” our priority in life. But sometimes life demands our attention to the urgent in order to achieve the important. Such was life on a bond trading desk, and such is the battle we are currently engaged to defeat the Coronavirus.

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 16

“But as for me, I will always have hope . . .” – Psalm 71:14 

We have the good fortune of living in a neighborhood with an abundance of walking-jogging-biking trails nearby, our favorite of which leads into a deeply wooded nature area bordered by a series of small lakes, where a sunrise jog on a spring morning such as there have been recently is, to say the least, a spectacular experience with wild flowers in bloom, sightings of rabbits, squirrels, and an occasional armadillo or coyote – birds, of every sort singing in the trees, ducks and geese enjoying the lakes and ponds.

One point along the path requires crossing a low-water dam that typically has water trickling across separating one small lake from another. Recently we’ve been fascinated by a single goose that seems to always occupy the vicinity near the dam as if he had laid claim to it, that is until we looked across toward a peninsula that juts out about thirty yards up stream where, hunkered down in the tall grass was the female goose obviously nesting on some eggs. So, yes, the gander had laid claim to the territory in order to protect his mate and family-to-be. Then it happened. Just this past Friday there were the goose and gander together wing-to-wing, like young lovers, out for a morning stroll proudly herding their three newly hatched babies. What a sight!

Like many, I’m sure, the confinement of sheltering-in-place, the dark cloud of pandemic lingering above, the nonstop tragic news reports had all begun to take their toll on my usual positive outlook. So, a good dose of nature that spectacular early morning was exactly what the doctor ordered, as they say. I felt revived, renewed and hopeful.

In case you’re unable to escape to nature as I did, may I suggest a few excerpts from Wendell Berry’s poem “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front.” “So, friends, every day do something that won’t compute. Love the Lord. Love the world. Work for nothing. Take all that you have and be poor. Love someone who does not deserve it. . . Say that your main crop is the forest that you did not plant, that you will not live to harvest. Say that the leaves are harvested when they have rotted into the mold. . . Listen to carrion – put your ear close, and hear the faint chattering of the songs that are to come. . . Practice resurrection.” My walk in the woods is what led me back to Wendell Berry’s poem, from which I am reminded, “But as for me, I will always have hope.”