Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 35

“My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life for many years and bring you prosperity.” – Proverbs 3:1-2 

“A father, being on the point of death, wished to be sure that his sons would give the same attention to his farm as he himself had given it.  He called them to his bedside and said, ‘My sons, there is a great treasure hid in one of my vineyards.’  The sons, after his death, took their spades and mattocks and carefully dug over every portion of their land.  They found no treasure, but the vines repaid their labor by an extraordinary and superabundant crop.”  – from Aesop’s fables 

There is a vast difference between “knowledge” (having the facts) and “wisdom” (applying those facts to life).  While we may amass knowledge, without wisdom it is useless.  Rather, we must learn to “live out” what we know.  The father understood the facts of farming, in particular that vigorous tilling of the soil would produce an abundant harvest, but it was only through his wisdom that he was able to convey this knowledge to his sons in such a way that they in turn would “live it out” and perpetuate his legacy.

Wise refers to skill in living,” explains Eugene Peterson in his book Earth and Altar.  “It does not mean, primarily, the person who knows the right answers to things but one who has developed the right responses (relationships) to persons, to God.  The wise understand how the world works; know about patience and love, listening and grace, adoration and beauty; know that other people are awesome creatures to be respected and befriended . . . know that God is an ever present center, a never-diminishing reality, an all-encompassing love . . .”

We are often encouraged to be life-long learners, and rightly so.  But more importantly we should strive to become life-long seekers of wisdom – in how to “live out” the knowledge we attain with greater understanding and deeper meaning.

“My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life for many years and bring you prosperity.”  And therein lay the great treasure the father had bequeathed his sons, more valuable than anything they could ever have imagined.

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 34

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  – Galatians 6:9 

It all started when Lanell Armstrong and a friend started showing up at an elementary school playground on Saturday mornings offering Kool-Aid and store-bought cookies to a bunch of fourth and fifth grade boys who regularly gathered there to play pick-up basketball.  The school was in a bad neighborhood plagued with drugs, violence, and gang activities.  As Lanell was well aware, fifth grade boys are the exact age group gang leaders target to lure them into the gang life, so she thought that by offering them free Kool-Aid and cheap cookies she might be able to engage them enough to point their lives in a different direction.  Thus was the beginning of Crossfire Ministries from which, over the years, countless lives have been transformed, many saved before they succumbed to gang life, others rescued from it years later, some from jail or prison, for Lanell never gives up on anyone – ever.  Today she’s like a go-to mom – more of a Mother Teresa, actually – who is always there for the kids in that neighborhood.

People like Lanell, extraordinary as her good works may be, tend to fly beneath the radar.  (I know her only because a mutual friend introduced us several years ago.)  But it is because she and thousands of others like her who are impacting the world in amazing ways are invisible to most of us, we tend to place our lot on the high profile – the rich and powerful political class – to set our broken world aright.

This should come as no great surprise, for such has been the case throughout history.  Two thousand years ago people had anticipated a Messiah who would come charging in on a white horse and overthrow the corrupt powers-that-be.  Instead, we got a boots-on-the-ground guy named Jesus from the obscure village of Nazareth who traveled about the countryside and villages – mostly under the radar – feeding, healing, and teaching.  Yet, who has ever done more to set this broken world aright than He?

As we are in the midst of a highly charged political season, I for one plan to do my part to stay engaged.  But when it comes to setting the world aright, I place my lot on Jesus of Nazareth, through the example of people like Lanell.  So, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” 

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 33

“Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.”  – Romans 12:17 

If you have spent enough time in the corporate world as I have, it is highly likely you have observed that people tend to fall into one of four categories:  (1) those with low competence and low character, (2) those with low competence but high character, (3) those with high competence and high character, or (4) those with high competence but low character.

Those in the first category, you would probably agree, are people we simply do not want to have around, and they are usually not for very long.  The second category are those we would love to keep around if only we can help them improve their skills.  The third category, of course, is the cream-of-the-crop group, people who we can count on to do a great job, be fair and honest, and keep their word.  Then there is that fourth category, the one that presents the greatest challenge.  These are the people who are competent – sometimes extraordinarily so – but of questionable ethical or moral character.  It is my experience that this category is the one that most often gets corporate America in trouble by overlooking their poor character in favor of their performance or expertise.

My corporate experience was no different.  Once I hired a salesperson to work alongside our bond trading operation.  He was a man with a strong reputation in both competence and character.  But after he was on board, we discovered some of his top accounts were already assigned to another salesperson in another office.  That salesperson, too, was a high performer, but had always been of dubious character, a category four.  The bigger problem was that he had strong “connections” in the executive suite of our firm making the matter a political issue in which I was caught in the middle.  If I fought too hard for the man I had hired, thus against the other guy, I could lose my job, which I could not afford to do.  On the other hand, yielding to the political power would be a violation of my principles, thus compromising my character, which I refused to do.

It took many sleepless nights before I was able to negotiate my way through that predicament, which I was eventually able to do to the satisfaction of both parties – and the powers-that-be.  The solution all along, it seems, rested in the wisdom of the Apostle Paul who said: “Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.”

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 32

“Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again.”                 Psalm 71:20 

The young man sat across from me, his face buried in his hands sobbing.  I had just fired him, on the grounds of poor performance, and he was understandably devastated, explaining between sobs how he had never before failed at anything in his life.  Sometime later I approached the young man with an idea, an offer to keep him on but in a lesser position at a much reduced salary.  He jumped at that second chance.  Before long he became a rising star, and eventually a successful professional.  Some years later another young man applied for a position I had available, but the interview did not go well.  Realizing he had blown the interview, the next day he called begging for a second chance.  That second interview landed him the job, and he too eventually grew to become a successful professional.

Lest my arm break from patting myself on the back for my gracious deeds, let me hasten to admit that whatever benevolence I may have offered those two young men is minuscule compared to the number of second chances I have received in my own life, few of which were the least bit deserved.  But by the grace of God and the help of many fine people I’ve been blessed with countless second chances.

In Luke chapter 15 Jesus tells a wonderful parable about a young man who after asking for and receiving his inheritance from his father ran away and squandered it all on wild living.  Finally, broke and desperate he decided to return home in the hope that his father might at the very least employ him as a lowly servant.  Instead his father ran out and threw his arms around his son welcoming him home, then had a grand party to celebrate his return – the gracious gift of a second chance.

I’m still convinced to this day that those two guys who crossed my path all those years ago deserved a second chance, as evidenced by the way their success.  (I’m less sure I’ve been equally as deserving.)  I’m also convinced that God is a God of second chances, whether we deserve it or not; for as the Psalmist says, “Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again” – to be given a second chance.

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 31

“Anyone who is among the living has hope . . .”  – Ecclesiastes 9:4 

On May 25, 1961 before a joint session of Congress, President John F. Kennedy declared a challenge to the entire nation that before the end of the decade the United States would send a man to the moon and return him safely back to earth.  At the time, the mere thought of such an endeavor seemed unfathomable.  But it was a new decade, being led by a new president, and America embraced the challenge.  Soon, however, the decade of the sixties eroded rapidly into war, civic turmoil and political unrest (not unlike the present times), and violence, including, among others, the assassination of the president himself.  As one who grew up and came of age during that tumultuous period, one thing stood out as I reflect back, and that was Kennedy’s challenge to send someone to the moon.  While it seemed unrelated in a way to all the other strife of the time, yet it provided us with a much-needed sense of hope.

A person can live up to forty days without food, so they say, up to seven days without water, and even a few minutes without air.  But a person cannot live a second without hope.  No one expressed that more eloquently than world renowned psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, Dr, Viktor Frankl.  “Those who know how close the connection is between the state of mind of a man­, ­his courage and hope, or lack of them­ ­and the state of immunity of his body will understand that sudden loss of hope and courage can have a deadly effect.”  To illustrate his point Dr. Frankl detailed for us his theory on the record high death rate in Auschwitz during Christmas 1944 to New Years’ 1945: that prisoners died because they had expected to be home before Christmas. When they realized this was not to be, they completely lost hope in life beyond the concentration camp.

My grandmother, according to my aunt who was at her side when she drew her last breath, spent her last moments as she lay on her deathbed joyfully singing a hymn.  Only two months shy of her one-hundredth birthday, my grandmother’s earthly death had become inevitable.  Yet, it was hope that had sustained her life all those years, and it was hope that carried her across the threshold to the next life.  So it was that those who survived the Holocaust were people with hope, that America survived the sixties and went to the moon on hope, and we in our own time will survive this pandemic as long as we have hope.  For, “Anyone who is among the living has hope.”