Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 40

“If one falls down, his friend can help him up.”  – Ecclesiastes 4:10 

There is a great story describing the distinction between heaven and hell.  It begins with a scene from hell where its residents are gathered round a banquet table set with an abundant and scrumptious feast – not exactly what one would expect in hell – until a closer look reveals an atmosphere of bitter agony due to the fact those sitting at the table cannot feed themselves because their arms are stiffened at the elbow and will not bend.  Imagine sitting before all that fabulous food, and not being able to eat any of it.  Then there is a scene in heaven that is surprisingly identical to the one from hell, including the stiffened arms.  The difference is, there is an atmosphere of great joy and celebration as the inhabitants use their stiffened arms to feed each other across the table.

What strikes me about this story is not so much its depiction of the hereafter, but the here-and-now.  Our natural desire as human beings is to become independent, to be able to feed ourselves, and it begins at around age two, as I’ve watched my own grandchildren at about that age start to spew out those defiant words, “I do it myself!”  Yet, when we allow them to do so, they usual leave a big mess in their wake. . . . Hmm, don’t we all!

Life is designed for companionship and interdependence, not isolation and independence.  We are not here on earth to serve ourselves, but to serve others and to serve God.  For most of us, though, it’s not until we’ve left enough messes in our wake – like a two-year-old – that we realize we need help, the surprising result from which we grow to become helpers.  The classic example of this can be found in twelve-step programs through which one addict helps another find sobriety.  Or, as they say, one beggar shows another beggar where to find bread – the “helped” becomes the “helper.”

What beautiful imagery we see in the parable of the great banquet table in heaven, with companions sitting across from each other, simultaneously experiencing being the helped and the helper.   The fact is, we all have stiffened arms – disabilities, addictions, or limitations of some sort.  Yet, by being helped we grow to become helpers.  And in becoming both helped and helper, we experience the greatest joy in life – both here-and-now as well as the hereafter.  So then, “If one falls down, his friend can help him up.”

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 39

“In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.”  – Matthew 7:12 

One evening years ago, back when I was a young hotshot business executive – or thought I was – I stopped in a supermarket on my way home from work to pick a couple of small items.  Being impatient and self-absorbed as I was, I had failed to notice that the checkout lane I was in was closing.  So, when the lady at the register reminded me that her lane was closed, I became angry and spoke rudely to her.  But that was not the end of my shameful behavior; for the lady later sought me out, going out of her way to apologize for the inconvenience.  What did I do?  Rather than accepting her kind gesture I responded with another rude remark as I stormed out of the store.

I don’t think I made it home that evening before my conscience began to kick in, not that I did anything about it like go back and apologize to the lady.  But it did make me pause and remember how badly I hated it when someone yelled at me or treated me rudely.  How would I feel if I had been in her shoes having to endure the wrath of someone like me, I wondered?  That’s been almost forty-five years ago and it still haunts me, especially since I never went back to try to make amends.

The Golden Rule, as we know it, is perhaps the most basic and universal rule of life there is.  In his book The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus, Charles Manz says it “is probably the most powerful human relations strategy in the history of the world.  Its practice can indeed produce valuable, golden results.  The aim of treating people as we would like to be treated is to honor others as inherently valuable beings, as miraculous unique creations, no matter how seemingly imperfect and unworthy they are in their humanity.”

I also find it to be one of the core tenets in coaching leaders who often confess frustration in their ineffectiveness at communicating with others.  Most discover that the problem is not in their message, but in how they deliver it.  And all it takes is one simple question to raise their awareness.  “How do you like to be talked to?” I ask them.  Simple question, simple solution, “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.”  As Charles Manz says, practicing it “can indeed produce valuable, golden results.”  How often we forget that, just like I did in the supermarket all those years ago.  If it is the most basic and universal rule of life there is, I wonder how come it is so hard for us to live by?

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 38

“. . . if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules.”  – 2 Timothy 2:5

When I was about eight years old, just big enough to play little league baseball, I got assigned to, what turned out to be, the best team in the league in our age division (no thanks to my contribution).  Being the team to beat that year, and everyone out to get us, there was this one particular game when the assigned home-plate umpire failed to show, upon which a plea went out among the spectators for someone to volunteer.  Finally, a man sitting in the opposing team’s bleachers raised his hand.  Except, by about the third inning it became obvious he was intent on throwing the game, calling balls strikes and strikes balls, calling players out when they were safe, and safe when they were out, all to the advantage of the opposing team who, in the end, did in fact win.

His actions were so blatant that everyone knew what he was doing – coaches on both sides, players, and spectators – yet no one intervened.  Cheating is hard to take any time, but at our tender age we could hardly imagine such a thing.  After all, it was totally contrary to what had been drilled into us by our parents, teachers, coaches, and Sunday School teachers throughout our young lives, to be honest and follow the rules.  But on that fateful day we lost our innocence as far as that was concerned.

We all have stories like that, don’t we?  And we all struggle with how people get away with dishonesty and breaking the rules, in sports and in life.  How did the guy living in the big mansion get by with swindling others?  How about a classmate who made the honor roll or won a scholarship after cheating on the exams?  Or what about the athletes who have gotten away with using steroids?

So much for the old adage that “winners never cheat, and cheaters never win.”  Right?  That is, unless you reconsider the definition of a winner, which is what my teammates and I learned from that little league game; for whatever behind-the-scenes conversations among the adults there may have been, we were instructed by our parents and coaches to not dwell on the incident and simply move forward in preparing to play the next game.  Theirs was a lesson in grace and forgiveness, making us the real winners, recipients of a lesson-of-a-lifetime, and a true “victor’s crown.”

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 37

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”  – Luke 12:48 

When I was in eighth grade I competed on the football field against a guy from a neighboring community named Arthur Hernandez.  What I wish I could forget about him after all these many years but have been unable to is that every time I lined up against him he took me out – every time!  But the thing I’ll remember forever and hope I never forget is what an incredible leader and gentleman Arthur was – even at the ripe young age of fourteen.  Every time he knocked me on my fanny, when the play was over I would look up and see Arthur’s hand extended to help me up along with an encouraging word and a pat on the back, just before giving me another pounding.  It will come as no surprise that Arthur was the captain of his team, and to prove what kind of leader he was he always addressed the referees with utmost respect calling them “sir”, and would apologize when his team committed an infraction that resulted in a penalty.

I had a chance to get to know Arthur off the field at various area youth events, and I can honestly say he lived up to being very much the gentleman I witnessed on the football field.  He inspired me to want to be like him – then and now – playing to win but ever gracious regardless of victory or defeat.  Above all, Arthur exhibited all the characteristics of a truly great leader, like I’ve rarely seen in my lifetime.

I’ve heard it said that a great leader never sets himself above his followers except in carrying responsibilities.  That pretty well sums up Arthur Hernandez.  Unfortunately, we lost touch and I never knew what became of him, but I can only imagine that he must have become enormously successful and a highly effective and respected leader in whatever endeavors he pursued; for great leaders are always given increased opportunities and responsibilities just as the scripture says: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” 

A hard charging guy who played to win (I’ve got bruises to prove it), but always gracious and fair, with an extended hand and an encouraging word, that was Arthur Hernandez, the model of a great leader, still inspiring me today.

Abundant Living Vol. XVI, Issue 36

“. . . unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  – Matthew 18:3 

It has been well said that if the young could be old for just a day, they would neither fear so much growing old, nor foolishly squander the days of their youth.  As one with a lot of years under my belt, I get this.  If only I had heeded such wise counsel in my younger days.  And, oh, how I long to pass it along to my five beautiful young granddaughters.  If only they would listen.  But then, who among us ever has?

Thankfully, my grandchildren are being raised in good homes by loving parents devoted to their nurturance, encouragement, growth, development, and general well-being.  As a result, they are happy children surrounded by family – both immediate and extended – living in nice neighborhoods, attending quality schools where they have a multitude of friends.  And on the occasion when they do skin a knee or get their feelings hurt, mom and dad are there to comfort and console.

As their grandfather, how I wish they could remain in that protective cocoon, and if I had the power I would see to it they live that way forever.  But as we all know, sooner or later life will smack them in the face, at least at some level.  Either it will catch them by surprise, or they will bring it on themselves.  Most likely, a little of both.  Eventually, they must discover that mom’s and dad’s pockets are not ATM machines, that not all people are nice, that life sometimes serves up aches and pains, broken hearts and broken bones, disappointments and hurt feelings, and mom and dad are not always there to comfort and console.  I pray often that it may never happen with my precious little girls, but inevitably it will, as it has with all of us.

If only they could be old for just one day, how much better prepared they would be when the day comes that life smacks them in the face.  On the other hand, maybe that’s all backwards.  Perhaps it might be better said that if the old – like me – could be young again for just one day, to experience their innocence, we might not be so inclined to squander our time worrying about the future – theirs and ours.  For, “. . . unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”  If that is true, then it is the young and innocent who have had it right all along.