Abundant Living Vol. XX, Issue 25

“Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior . . . Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.” – Psalm 127:3-4 

When it comes to fatherhood, I consider myself one of the lucky ones, having been raised in a two-parent home in which my dad was a devoted, loving, honest and hardworking man who was similarly raised by his parents.  As far back as I know generationally, in fact, that has been the case in my family – on both sides.  While not always a perfect father myself, nor was my father before me, it seems I have nonetheless remained true to the family tradition as evidenced by the rewards I now reap in observing my two sons being devoted, loving fathers themselves to our five grandchildren.

I am indeed one of the lucky ones!  For, according to 2022 Census Bureau data, approximately one in three children in America under age 18 lives with a single parent, 80% of whom are mothers, a disturbing statistic.  But before heaping scorn upon those (mostly) dads out there for being derelict in their responsibilities as fathers, we should probably consider that each party in that statistic represents a unique story, not all of which are contemptable.  In many cases, for instance, the parents may not live together, but both are involved in their children’s lives.  We all know couples who are divorced yet work together to provide for and be wonderful parents to their children.  In other cases the father (or mother) may be deceased.  But sadly, there are those situations, too many I am afraid, where fathers (mostly) have abandoned their duties, and that is a tragedy.

It is a tragedy for the children for sure.  But equally so it is a tragedy for the neglectful fathers who deprive themselves of the indescribable joys of fatherhood and the life-long relationships that result with children and grandchildren.  It is not unlike faith, which for those of us who have it, long that everyone could enjoy the same peace, joy, comfort, and hope we experience through having a relationship with God; so it is with the fatherless and the neglectful fathers, as those of us who know the joys and blessings of fatherhood long that every father and fatherless child could experience what we have.

“Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior . . . Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”  O that every father’s quiver could be as full as mine!

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