Abundant Living Vol. XX, Issue 33

“He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”  – John 15:2 

The large holly bush beside our back gate has been there for many years, since long before we bought the house.  It’s a beautiful shrub which I have endeavored to maintain by pruning it regularly to keep it in shape.  Recently, though, I noticed a small patch of dead leaves in one particular spot.  First I thought it was only a tiny twig that simply needed to be snipped off, until further investigation revealed a dead limb tracible all the way down to the base of tree, requiring a saw to cut it out, which I feared in doing so might damage the shrub’s overall appearance.  Not so, as it turned out.  Not only did it not harm the appearance of the plant, it actually seemed to have improved its health.

Gardeners and arborists recognize two types of pruning.  One involves the removal of an entire branch, as I did in cutting out the dead limb; for branches that do not bear fruit, whether dead-dead or functionally dead, need to be cut off at the base not only because they are worthless, but they often infect the health of the overall tree.  The other type of pruning involves simply trimming back.  This type of pruning improves the plant’s health so it becomes even more productive in bearing fruit, besides maintaining a nice shape and appearance as with our holly bush.

It occurred to me as I was pruning that holly bush that day how much I am just like that – indeed we all are.  I’ve been around a long time too, and like that shrub I require a good bit of maintenance to keep me in shape.  Yet, in spite of that I still develop blemishes – similar to the dead leaves and branches – blemishes that need to be removed, like the small pre-cancer spots on my bald head the dermatologist removed this past week, which after they heal my head should look fine and certainly improve my overall health.  Likewise, I have behaviors and lifestyles that need pruning and reshaped from time to time so that I can bear more fruit.

After all, as I was reminded by that holly bush, what is the purpose of my life, and your life, if not to bear fruit?  And how can we bear good fruit without regular and proper pruning?  For, “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.”

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